Disabiliy Insurance
What is disability Insurance?
Disability Insurance (DI) is the most overlooked and yet most critical insurance there is.?? Nothing else will protect your income on a tax free basis in case of sickness, injury or a disability. It can be either a short term or long term sickness or disability.?? Sick leave can be included, short-term disability benefits, and long-term disability benefits. The largest asset for each person is your earning power.?? Most people have insurance on their other assets, yet their single largest asset, their ability to earn to pay for everything else is not insured So what if you are not able to work? ??Many people have reserves for three to six months before their back up money runs out and they start missing payments on their mortgage or rent.?? Could you and your family survive beyond 3 to 6 months without income?
1) Statistics show in the US a disabling accident occurs every second.
2) Statistics show that your chances of having a disability that will last 90 days or longer before age 65 are 1 in 3.
3) 90% of ALL Disabilities happen from sickness and not from an injury.
Insure My Life Right provides Disability insurance for:
1) Individual disability insurance
2) Group disability insurance
3) Athletes disability insurance
4) High income earners disability insurance
The Need for Income Protection -What’s Your Chances of Becoming disabled? Do you know what YOUR PDQ (Personal Disability Quotient) is? This is the odd’s of not earning a paycheck for an extended period of time. Look at your odds of not being able to work and earning an income. You PDQ is is based real life figures calculated by your age, lifestyle, career path and real statistics from millions of people that has been gathered to come?? up with the statistics over years of research.